





金融庁の訳ではIOSCO のガイダンスは、市場仲介者と資産運用会社が以下の点を確実に有するための 6 つの措置 から構成されていると記載しているものの、項目は以下の4つになっています。

 AI 及び ML の開発、テスト、利用、パフォーマンスのモニタリングに関する適切なガバナンス、コントロール及び監視の枠組み
 AI 及び ML が出した結果を実行し、監視し、検証するために十分な知識、技能、経験を持ったスタッフ
 AI 及び ML の本格的な展開に先立って事業者が潜在的な問題を特定することを可能にする、強固で一貫性のある、明確に定義された開発とテストのプロセス、及び
 投資家、規制当局、その他の関連するステークホルダーに対する適切な透明性と情報開示

原文を見ると、IOSCO Guidanceの項目でThe guidance consists of six measuresとあって、以下のように整理されています。


Measure 1: Regulators should consider requiring firms to have designated senior management responsible for the oversight of the development, testing, deployment, monitoring and controls of AI and ML. This includes a documented internal governance framework, with clear lines of accountability. Senior Management should designate an appropriately senior individual (or groups of individuals), with the relevant skill set and knowledge to sign off on initial deployment and substantial updates of the technology.

Measure 2: Regulators should require firms to adequately test and monitor the algorithms to validate the results of an AI and ML technique on a continuous basis. The testing should be conducted in an environment that is segregated from the live environment prior to deployment to ensure that AI and ML:
(a) behave as expected in stressed and unstressed market conditions; and
(b) operate in a way that complies with regulatory obligations.

Measure 3: Regulators should require firms to have the adequate skills, expertise and experience to develop, test, deploy, monitor and oversee the controls over the AI and ML that the firm utilises. Compliance and risk management functions should be able to understand and challenge the algorithms that are produced and conduct due diligence on any third-party provider, including on the level of knowledge, expertise and experience present.

Measure 4: Regulators should require firms to understand their reliance and manage their relationship with third-party providers, including monitoring their performance and conducting oversight. To ensure adequate accountability, firms should have a clear service level agreement and contract in place clarifying the scope of the outsourced functions and the responsibility of the service provider. This agreement should contain clear performance indicators and should also clearly determine rights and remedies for poor performance

Measure 5: Regulators should consider what level of disclosure of the use of AI and ML is required by firms, including:
(a) Regulators should consider requiring firms to disclose meaningful information to customers and clients around their use of AI and ML that impact client outcomes.
(b) Regulators should consider what type of information they may require from firms using AI and ML to ensure they can have appropriate oversight of those firms.

Measure 6: Regulators should consider requiring firms to have appropriate controls in place to ensure that the data that the performance of the AI and ML is dependent on is of sufficient quality to prevent biases and sufficiently broad for a well-founded application of AI and ML.

The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning by market intermediaries and asset managers Final Report



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